April 2023

Dear young actors, members, and friends of YATS,We hope that this YATS Spotlight finds you well! Here’s our latest news: June 16, 17, 18: workshop production of The Humans Don’t miss our spring workshop production of The Humans. This Stephen Karam play explores the themes of connection and disappointment as the Blake family meet in Brigid and Richard’s new Manhattan apartment to celebrate Thanksgiving. This 2015 play won numerous awards including the Tony for Best Play. YATS Director, Victor Benedetti, has announced 3 performances on June 16 (20h), 17 (20h), and 18 (17h) at Gymnase Jean Sturm, 18 Place du Temple Neuf, Strasbourg (note: recommended for ages 15+ due to adult content). Get your tickets from May 1st. We hope to see you there! October…

March 2023

March 2023

Dear young actors, members, and friends of YATS, we hope that this YATS Spotlight finds you enjoying these winter days! Here’s our latest news: YATS is excited to announce the next Fall musical, Fiddler on the Roof, with five performances to be held 14, 15, 20, 21, and 22 October 2023 at Point d’Eau, Grande Scène, Ostwald. It has long been considered one of the greatest pieces of musical theater, with a score that is instantly recognized and a story of family that is both funny and touching. Audiences around the world connect with Fiddler because it seems to tell their story. Here are the key dates for your calendar: 6 May, 7 May Pre-audition workshops 13h-17h Gymnase Jean Sturm 13 May, 14 May Auditions…